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Pink Broc-N-Roll Pasta

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Get ready to rock and roll with our Pink Broc -N- Roll Pasta! This vibrant dish features fun-shaped pasta coated in a creamy, pink beet sauce that's both delicious and packed with nutrients. The secret ingredient, beetroot, gives the sauce its beautiful colour and a boost of vitamins. Mixed in are tender broccoli florets and juicy chicken breast for a boost of protein and veggies, this meal is sure to be a hit with your little rock stars.

Portion: Designed for kids

For Parent's Eyes Only 🤫: Hidden Veg (Beetroot) 

Ingredients: Pasta, Beets, Garlic, Heavy Cream, Butter, Flour, Salt, Black Pepper, Chicken Breast, Broccoli, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Mozzarella Cheese

Spice Level: Mild

Allergens: Gluten, Milk